Saturday 4 October 2014


Inspiration is all around us, you just have to look for it.

Books, magazines, advertisements, travel, websites, art, nature and even fashion.  You can find inspiration for your design sense or style anywhere. All great design starts with inspiration and all it takes is one small seed from which you can grow a garden.

You see a colour that resonates with you and, from there, your eye starts seeing things that compliment it.  You see a piece of furniture and you are taken with the style.  It makes you want to explore that style even more.  You see a pattern that you are drawn to and you end up picking out colours that work.  All it takes is a spark and from there your choices are endless.  You will find that everywhere you go you will build on your original thought and once you start it's hard to stop.

Even if you're not planning on changing anything immediately you may be thinking of doing it in a few months so take the time to let your inspiration guide you.  Walk through dollars stores, clearance departments, and even thrift stores (I make this a regular event)  Just wander and browse and, sometimes, along the way, you will come across items that will work really well with your plans.  You will be surprised how you will manage to pick up things you would have never thought you could on your budget.  By the time you're ready to make over that room you will have all that you need with no major dents in your bank account.

So, go for a walk.  Keep your eyes open to new things.  Make note of things, colours and styles that you like and let your inspiration take you away.


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