Go outside and pick up some leaves or, better yet, let your kids choose the leaves. Make sure you get quite a few to really make an impact. Once collected, wipe off the leaves and let them dry a little, then gather your other supplies:
irst you can make a swag or garland using thread, tape and leaves. Measure out how long you want the garland to be and cut the thread (I doubled the thread just to make it a little stronger)
Then place the leaves on the thread in the order you like making sure the thread is on the back of the leaf. Then start taping the thread to the leaves.
Make sure you overlap the leaves in order to have a continual leaf garland and to ensure no thread is showing
Once you've finished securing the leaves you can then hand your garland or swag and, since it's so light, it can easily be hing by a small piece of tape. Make a few and hang them anywhere-in doorways, in your windows, around lamp shades or even use them as decorative runners on your table. You can even back them with some cardboard, salvaged from your recycle bin, to make a wreath. You are only limited by your imagination.
Now, take a look at your table or side tables. You can make some festive, seasonal centrepieces by just layering leaves out in a circle and placing a glass plate on top. You can put anything on this plate-a lovely bowl, pictures, fruit etc. or even a candle (making sure it is a secured tea light, votive or battery operated) You can build out as far as you like, depending on how many leaves you have. Such a lovely autumn display.
You can also take a few glasses on do the same but inside the glass instead. For these it would be better to use battery-operated candles, for safety reasons.
You can make a real statement by using items you already have and bringing the natural beauty of fall into your home. Don't forget to use individual leaves around your house as well. These touches will only add to what you've already done. You haven't spent any money but you've created something memorable. Keep that in mind for every season. Happy Thanksgiving!
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