Wednesday 27 August 2014

Here I Am

So sorry I haven't been on here for so long.  The chaos of life seemed to take precedent these last few months, which left me with no time to really get started on any decorating or to keep up with this blog. During all of the craziness and sadness I never forgot my creative side.  It helped me get through a lot of rough times.  Even though I couldn't physically do any redecorating or redesign I could always plan. My planning book never left me.  I carried it and my smooth pen with me wherever I went.  I know this is the
age of technology but it was so much easier for me to whip out my notebook and jot down some ideas, draw some floor plans,  make lists of what I had and what I needed, and so much more.  Late at night this was my therapy, of sorts.-an escape.Doing this always gave me a little smile and made me remember that, one day, we would have some sort of normal life again.  It made me realize that, no matter what, life would go on.  It may be hit and miss for a while but I will attempt to be more regular with my posts, starting with the redecorating of my youngest daughter's room.  I hope you will take this small journey with me and, maybe, you can get some ideas of your own....


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